On Saturday, October 2, 2021, the show Živa veza was broadcast on Croatian Catholic Radio, in which the guest was one of the authors of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće.
On Saturday, October 2, 2021, the show Živa veza was broadcast on Croatian Catholic Radio, in which the guest was one of the authors of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće.
On Friday, September 17, 2021, an interview with one of the authors of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was broadcast on the radio show Globalna Hrvatska on the International Radio Channel Glas Hrvatske (The Voice of Croatia).
TV report about the book was also broadcast in the program of Croatian Television (HTV) in the show Globalna Hrvatska, in which both authors talked about research and their work on the book. The show was broadcast on the 4th channel of HTV on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 9 pm and rerun on Monday, September 27, 2021 on the 1st channel of HTV at 2 pm.
The news about the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was published in numerous media:
HRT Magazin, HRT Magazin (pdf)
Glas Hrvatske, Glas Hrvatske (pdf)
HIA: Hrvatska – iseljeništvo – svijet
In September 2021 book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće: nakladnička djelatnost Hrvata u Novome Zelandu (Neither with a house, nor witout a house: publishing activity of Croats in New Zealand) was published. Authors are Ivana Hebrang Grgić and Ana Barbarić and the publisher is Naklada Ljevak. The book is part of series Bibliotheca Academica, and the editor is Nives Tomašević. Peer-reviewers are prof Renata Relja from the University of Split, prof. Maja Krtalić form the Victoria University of Wellington and Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić from Institute Ivo Pilar in Zagreb.
The conference Migrations and Identity: Culture, economy, state (2) was held in Zagreb, May 19 and 20, 2021. Ana Barbarić and Ivana Hebrang Grgić had a presentation on copyright issues and digitization of books of Croats in Australia.
A presentation about digitization within the project Croatian Emigrant Press was presented at the 10th Festival of Croatian Digitization Projects organized by the National and University Library in Zagreb, on the May 7th 2021. Program and the book of abstracts are available at the website of the festival.
During the research in the National Archives of Australia in Canberra, two publications were find. It was previously supposed that the publications were lost. The publications are Iskra (The Sparkle) i Oganj (The Flame), both of them published probably only once in 1933 as a substitution for the banned newspaper Borba.
Within the project and in cooperation with National and University Library in Zagreb, until the end of February 2021 nine publications were digitized. All of them are available on the link to the project in the digital collection of National and University Library and on the web pages of the project.
4th Croatian Diaspora Congress took place in Zagreb on the 5th and 6th November 2020. A presentation that was based on the project Croatian Emigrant Press was held. The authors are Ivana Hebrang Grgić and Ana Barbarić and the title is Preserving Cultural Heritage: Newspapers of Croats in New Zealand. In the photo: Ana Barbarić, Ivana Hebrang Grgić, Ivana Bačić Serdarević and Drago Šaravanja. Ivana Bačić Serdarević and Drago Šaravanja are Croatian writers who lived in Australia.
In Matica, monthly magazine of the Croatian heritage foundation, a text about the first digitized book in the project Croatian Emigrant Press was published in October 2020.