
Although digitization of publications is not the primary goal of this project, in cooperation with the National and University Library in Zagreb  digitization of selected publications is being carried out. The first publication was digitized in July 2020.  Some publications are out of the copyright, and the others are digitized with permission of copyright owner. Links to all publications are available in the following list – some links are to the Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb, some to other digital collections in New Zealand and Australia, and some links are to pdfs. Since May 2022, some of the digitized publications are available in the Croatian Emigrant Press Repository.

  1. Lovoković, Fabijan. Hrvatske zajednice u Australiji: nastojanja i postignuća. Kingsgrove: Sradišnji odbor hrvatskih društava Australije, 2010 (July 2020)  – Digital Collection of the National and Univesity Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  2. Bratska sloga. Auckland, 1899.  ili Bratska sloga (September 2020) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; from 2022 also available on the portal Papers Past
  3. Hoško, Emanuel. Franjevci među Hrvatima u Sydneyju: povijest dušobrižništva 1957.-1994. Summer Hill: Hrvatski katolički centar = Croatian Catholic Centre, 1996 (October 2020) – Digital Collection of the National and University in Zagreb; – pdf
  4. Škvorc, Boris. Australski Hrvati: mitovi i stvarnost: rasprave i eseji o hrvatskoj emigrantskoj književnosti, egzilantima i imaginarnoj Hrvatskoj. Zagreb: Hrvatska matica iseljenika, 2005 (December 2020) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  5.  Lovoković, Fabijan. U pomoć Hrvatskoj: nakon 46 godina put u Domovinu početkom rata 1991. Kingsgrove: vlast. nakl., 2016 (December 2020) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  6. Boras Podravac, Vanda. Dnevnik iz tuđine: stradanja hrvatskog naroda u XX. stoljeću gledana kroz prizmu jedne hrvatske obitelji. Zagreb: Matica iseljenika, 2010 (January 2021) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  7. Boras Podravac, Vanda. A diary from the Croatian diaspora: the suffering of the Croatian people in the 20th century as seen through the prism of one Croatian family. Zagreb: Croatian Heritage Foundation, 2018 (January 2021) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  8. Iskra. Sydney, 1933 (March 2021) – pdf
  9. Oganj. Sydney, 1933 (March 2021) – pdf
  10. Borba. Broken Hill, 1932 (April 2021) – pdf
  11. Mataga, Des. Red wine to kauri gum: the history of Dalmatian emigration to New Zealand’s kauri gumifields prior to World War 1. Auckland: Opuzen Press, 2015 (April 2021) – Digital Collection of the National and Univerity Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  12. Jelicich, Stephen A. From distant villages: the lives and times of Croatian settlers in New Zealand: 1858-1958. Auckand: Pharos Publications, 2008   (June 2021) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  13. Vjesnik. Auckland, 1946 or Vjesnik (July 2021)
  14.  Trlin, Andrew Drago. Now respected, once despised: Yugoslavs in New Zealand. Auckland: Palmerston North: Dunmore Press, 1979 (February 2022) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  15. Čizmić, Ivan. Iz Dalmacije u Novi Zeland: povijest jugoslavenske naseobine na Novom Zelandu. Zagreb: Globus, 1981. (April 2022) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb; – pdf
  16. Napredak (May 2022) – all the 94 issues also available at Auckland Council Libraries: Kura: Heritage Collections Online
  17. Napredak: list hrvatsko-srbski govorećeg naroda u Australiji (October 2022) – vol. 1, no. 1, issue from the National Archives of Australia – pdf
  18. Hrvat: vjestnik Medjudruztvenog odbora hrvatskih druztava u Australiji i New Zealandu (November 2022) – vol. 1, no. 1, fragment (12 out of probably 34 pages) found in the National Archives of Australia – pdf
  19. Novi svijet: prvo i jedino neodvisno narodno radnicko glasiolo za Juogslave u Novoj Zelandi (December 2022) – vol. 1, no. 2, June 7th 1919 – pdf
  20. Monografija 25. obljetnice posvete crkve i ustanovljenja Hrvatskog katoličkog centra “Sv. Nikole Tavelića” u St. Johns Parku u Australiji: 1985. – 2010. = Monograph: 25th anniversary of the consecration of the Croatian catholic centre “St. Nikola Tavelić” in St Johns Park, Australia: 1985 – 2010. St. Johns Park: Hrvatski katolički centar sv. Nikola Tavelić, 2010 (January 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  21. Kardinal Kuharić u hrvatskom iseljeništvu: Australija i Novi Zeland. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost, 2003 (January 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  22. Crkva i hrvatsko iseljeništvo. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost, 1982 (January 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  23. Tadić, Ivo. Marija Kraljica Hrvata; Hrvatski katolički centar, Wollongong: priča o hrvatskim ljudima, jednoj crkvi i čuvanju baštine = Mary Queen of Croatians: Croatian Catholic centre, Wollongong: a story about the Croatian people, one church and the protection of heritage. Wollongong: Hrvatski katolički centar, 2007 (March 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf 
  24. Caritas Croata: prvi hrvatski bilten u Australii (May 2023) – 3 issues (1951, 1952, 1953) – pdf
  25. Garlick, Marko. My Baba’s and Dida’s Journey: Dalmatia to New Zealand. Wellington, 2012 (May 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  26. Holjevac, Većeslav. Hrvati izvan domovine. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1968 (June 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf 
  27. Šešelja, Frane (Stipan). Moje životno vrludanje. Zadar: vlast. nakl., 2020 (September 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  28. 40th Anniversary of the Croatian Catholic Mission = 40. obljetnica Hrvatske katoličke misije. Canberra: Croatian Catholic Centre Canberra – Queanbeyan, 2011 (September 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagrebpdf
  29. Klanjateljice Krvi Kristove: 50 godina života i djelovanja u Australiji: 1963-2013 = Sisters Adorers of the Blood of Chirst : 50 years of life and ministry in Australia. Adelaide: Klanjateljice Krvi Kristove = Adorers of the Blood of Christ, 2013 (September 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  30. Zora (September 2023) – 16 brojeva koji se čuvaju u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  31. Hebrang Grgić, Ivana; Barbarić, Ana. Ni s kućom ni bez kuće: nakladnička djelatnost Hrvata u Novome Zelandu. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 2021 (October 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagrebpdf
  32. Dragicevich, Kaye. Pioneer Dalmatian Settlers of the Far North. Awanui: Willow Creek Press, 2022 (December 2023) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb
  33. Dom i svijet: mjesečnik jugosl. emigranata. Perth, 1932 (January 2024) – vol. 1, no. 1, September 1932 – pdf
  34. Žarnić, Slavko. Ledeni kruh. Makarska: self-published, 2015 (March 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  35. Žarnić, Slavko. Rastanak: pjesme. S. l.: s. n., 1986 (March 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagrebpdf
  36. Žarnić, Slavko. Tuđina. Makarska: self-published, 2022 (March 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagrebpdf
  37. CroExpress: hrvatski glas (April 2024)  – vol. 3, no. 68, 18 March 2010 – pdf
  38. Kosović, Ante. Dalmatinac iz tudjine: pjesmarica u različitin pjesman, došivljenja Inozemstva. Split: Splitska Društvena Tiskara, 1908 (May 2024). – pdf
  39. Božić-Vrbančić, Senka. Tarara: Maori i Hrvati na Novom Zelandu. Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2018 (May 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  40. Božić-Vrbančić, Senka. Tarara: Croats and Maori in New Zealand: memory, belonging, identity. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2008 (June 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  41. Klarić, Ante. Povijest Hrvatske katoličke misije Sv. Leopolda B. Mandića u Aucklandu (Novi Zeland) : (1904. – 1999.). Split: Crkva u svijetu, 2020 (August 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf
  42. Klarić, Ante. History of the Croatian Catholic Mission, St. Leopold B. Mandić in Auckland, New Zealand : (1904-2004). Auckland: Croatian Catholic Mission, 2004 (September 2024) – Digital Collection of the National and University Library in Zagreb – pdf