As part of the Informative Tuesday of the Zagreb City Libraries, a professional meeting of primary school librarians and children’s departments of public libraries, on 14 December 2021, a presentation of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was held.
Author: HIT
Reception at the New Zealand Embassy in Rome
The authors of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće were received on December 6, 2021 for a working visit to the Embassy of New Zealand in Rome, which is also responsible for Croatia.
Presentation of the project in the journal @rhivi
In issue 9 of the journal @rhivi for 2021 presentation of the Croatian Emigrant Press Project (HIT), written by Ana Barbarić, was published.
An interview on the SBS Croatian
On November 16, 2021, on the Australian radio SBS Croatian, an interview about the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was broadcasted.
Book review in the Matica magazine
In the November issue of Matica, the monthly magazine of the Croatian Heritage Foundation, a review of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće is published.
News from culture
TV report about the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was broadcast on the show Vijesti iz kulture (News from culture), on the first HRT program on November 2, 2021.
Good morning, Croatia
A short TV report on the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was broadcast on the show Dobro jutro, Hrvatska on the first HRT program on October 28, 2021.
About the book promotion in the media
Reports on the promotion of the book have been published on the following websites::
National and University Library in Zagreb
Facebook page of the National and University Library in Zagreb
Facebook page of the New Zealand Embassy in Rome, Italy
Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar
Book promotion
On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, in the lobby of the National and University Library in Zagreb, a promotion of the book Ni s kućom ni bez kuće was held. Welcoming speech was given by the Director General of the National and University Library prof. dr. sc. Ivanka Stričević. The editor of the book, prof. dr. sc. Nives Tomašević, one of the reviewers dr. Sc. Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić and the authors talked about the book. The texts from the book were read by Goran Grgić.
Hrvatima izvan domovine (For Croats Abroad)
In the show of the Croatian Radio For Croats Abroad on October 7, 2021, an interview with the authors was broadcast.