In March 2023, a virtual collection Books about Croats in Australia was created in the Croatian Emigrant Press repository, currently containing 9 books. A link to the collection was shared on Facebook pages associated with Croats in Australia and with idividuals, resulting in an increase in views and downloads.
Author: HIT
Research in the Croatian Catholic Center in Wollongong
On January 27, 2023, research was conducted in the library of the Croatian Catholic Center in Wollongong, near Sydney. Based on the available material and in a conversation with the head of the center, Fr. Ivo Tadić, information was gathered about the publications that will be included in the bibliography. Digitization of one publication was also agreed upon.
Virtual collection Books about Croats in New Zealand
In January 2023, a virtual collection Books about Croats in New Zealand was created in the Croatian Emigrant Press repository, currently containing 8 books (2 in Croatian and 6 in English). A link to the collection was shared on Facebook pages associated with Croats in New Zealand, resulting in an increase in views and downloads. In the period from January 22 to January 25, 737 views and 219 downloads were recorded in the repository.
Libraries in Rome
In Rome, Ana Barbarić and Ivana Hebrang Grgić visited the Vallicelliana library and the Central National Library in Rome (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma) within which operates ICCU (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche). ICCU is developing union catalog of Italian libraries that will be used for further research into Croatian publications outside of Croatia.
Meeting at the Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Milan
Presentation at the conference Archives, Libraries, Museums
At the conference Archives, Libraries, Museums: Opportunities for Cooperation in the Environment of the Global Information Infrastructure, as part of the workshop Publishing in a new context, on November 24, 2022, a presentation Publishing Activity of Croats Outside Croatia was held.
Živa veza (Live Connection) on Croatian Catholic Radio
On Saturday, October 15th, 2022, Croatian Catholic Radio aired the program Živa veza (Live Connection) edited by Tuga Tarla, in which the latest activities within the Croatian emigrant press project were presented.
Library of the Croatian Catholic Center St Nikola Tavelic
In the library of the Croatian Catholic Center St Nikola Tavelić in St Johns Park in Sydney, a meeting was held with the head of the center Fr. Petar Horvat. The library holds mostly books published in Croatia and Australia, and uses the Metel library software.
Croatian Archives of Australia
On September 25th 2022, a meeting with president Vesna Žuro and members of the board of directors was held in the premises of the Croatian Archives of Australia. Consul General of Croatia in Sydney Ivica Glasnović also attended the meeting. At the meeting, it was agreed on the continuation of cooperation related to the creation of websites and digitization.
National Archives of Australia in Canberra
From 20 to 21 September 2022, research was carried out at the National Archives of Australia in Canberra, with the help of Renata Dyer from the Parliamentary Library in Canberra. Documents related to Croatian newspapers published during and immediately after the Second World War were reviewed. Valuable sources were found, important for research in the field of information science (eg. research on editorial policies and state censorship), but also for research in other fields such as history, political science and sociology. In addition to the documents, some issues of publications that are not available anywhere else were found, and one title was discovered that is not mentioned in the literature nor is it available in library collections.