Interview on SBS Croatian

An interview was recorded for Radio SBS, explaining the aim of the project. The interview is in Croatian and it calls for all the Croats in Australia to collaborate in gathering data about publications that are of interest. The interview will be broadcast by the end of November and shared on social media afterwards.

Croatian Archives of Australia

Interesting materials were found in the Croatian Archives of Australia in Sydney. New data about newspapers was gathered through interviews with members of the Archives – Fabijan Lovoković (president and former editor-in-chief of the newspaper Spremnost that was published in the period of 1957-2007), Ante Glavor (co-president of the Archives and president of Croatian-Australian Literary and Artistic Society), Ana Watson, Bože Žuro, Zora Marušić and  reverend Petar Horvat. Interviews were made by  project team members Jasna Novak Milić and Ivana Hebrang Grgić.  On the portal Domovina a text about the meeting was published.

Meetings at the Croatian Embassy in Canberra

There were three meetings at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Canberra – with Betty Bernardica Pavelich Sirois, Croatian Ambassador to Australia(Figure 1), first secretary Sandra Tvrtković (Figure 2), Mario Dešpoja (Figure 3) and Vanda Boras Podravac (Figure 4). New meetings have been arranged as well as cooperation with Zoran Šangut, Consul General of Croatia in Perth.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Bibliography for New Zealand, v. 1

After first version of bibliography of newspapers and journals for Australia, the first version for New Zealand has been published. Both bibliographies will be updated based on research conducted in Croatia, Australia and New Zealand. The newest versions will be available at Bibliographies.

Part of v. 1 of the bibliography in Koha

First version of the bibliography of newspapers and journals published by Croats in New Zealand (pdf)

A meeting in Zagreb

At a meeting in Zagreb, the first version of the bibliography for Australia was analysed. New actions regarding data collection have been arranged. The meeting was attended by Luka Budak (Macquarie University, Sydney), Ana Barbarić and Ivana Hebrang Grgić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb).

Bibliography for Australia, v. 1

First version of the bibliography of newspapers and journals published by Croats in Australia has been published. The bibliography will be updated regularly, based on the researches in Croatia, Australia and New Zealand.

Insight in the first version of the bibliography  (Koha)

First version of the bibliography of newspapers and journals published by Croats in Australia (pdf)