New records added

By December 31, 2018 all new records were added to both bibliographies. After the first phase of the research (searching catalogues of national libraries), there were 52 records in the bibliography of Australian newspapers. In the bibliography of New Zealand newspapers there were 13 records. Therefore, in the first phase of the research, until November 2018, 65 publications were found and recorded.

The second phase of the research included additional content analysis of secondary sources as well as research in libraries and archives in Australia and New Zealand. The second phase also included meetings with Croats in Australia and New Zealand that work (or worked) in the publishing sector. After the research and meetings, 41 more titles were found for Australia and three more for New Zealand. All the new records were added to the bibliographies. By the end of the year 2018, the bibliography of Australian newspapers had 93 records, and the bibliography of New Zealand newspapers had 16 records.

The two bibliographies have been created using library software Koha that supports international universal bibliographic standards. The total number of records at the end of 2018 was 112.

In January and February 2019 the records will be edited and unified. If new titles are discovered, new records will be added.

Serials – Australia (after the first phase, until November 2018)

Serials – Australia (after the second phase, until the end of 2018)

Serials – New Zealand (after the first phase, until November 2018)

Serials – New Zealand (after the second phase, until the end of 2018)