
AUS-NZ Croatian Women in Leadership Summit 2023

July 18, 2023

From July 14 to 16, 2023, the  AUS-NZ Croatian Women in Leadership Summit was held in Biograd na Moru. The association was founded in Australia in 2019 and today gathers more than 600 women at online meetings and in-person events. Thanks to the cooperation of the Croatian Emigrant Press project with this association, significant connections have been created for further work in research. Thus, H. E. Betty Pavelich, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Australia, brought two valuable books that were not available in Croatia, and will be digitized as part of the project.


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Working meetings in Zagreb and Osijek

July 3, 2023

Project collaborators from Australia and New Zealand stayed in Zagreb during May and June 2023. Working meetings were held with  professor Jasna Novak Milić, Head of the Center for Croatian Studies at Macquarie University in Sydney; with retired professor Luka Budak, former head of the Center and with Majom Krtalić, professor from the University of Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand. Further cooperation regarding the research of Croatian publications in those countries and the organization of workshops promoting Croatian printed and manuscript heritage was discussed.

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18th Special and Academic Libraries Conference

June 4, 2023

In Lovran, from May 31 to June 3, 2023, the 18th Special and Academic Libraries Conference was held, organized by the Croatian Library Association. Ana Barbarić held the presentation entitled Presentation of digitized materials: example of serial publications by New Zealand Croats. Title of Ivana Hebrang Grgić’s presentation was The role of open access repositories in the promotion of Croatian cultural heritage: the Croatian Emigrant Press Repository. The abstracts were published in the book of abstracts.



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Proceedings in honour of Miroslav Tuđman

May 29, 2023

The promotion of book Miroslav Tuđman and the paradigm of knowledge was held on May 25th, 2023. The article by A. Barbarić and I. Hebrang Grgić entitled Publications of Croatian emigrants in Australia and New Zealand: from bibliography to bibliometrics was published in the book.




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LIDA conference

May 26, 2023

On May 24th 2023 Ana Barbarić gave a presentation on the conference LIDA: Libraries in the Digital Age. The title of the presentation is Book publishing practices of Croats in Australia: contribution to the research of Croatian emigrant heritage. 

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Kliofest – festival of history

May 17, 2023

At the Kliofest festival, the Croatian Emigrant Almanac 2023 published by the Croatian Heritage Foundation was presented. As part of the event, Ivana Hebrang Grgić gave a presentation on researching the history of Croats in Australia and New Zealand based on the text published in the Almanac. The Almanac was presented by Ljiljana Dobrovšak, PhD, and Vesna Kukavica, the editor.


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Digitization of three issues of Caritas Croata bulletin

May 2, 2023

During research at the National Archives of Australia in Canberra, three issues of the Caritas Croata bulletin published in Sydney in 1951, 1952 and 1953 were found. The bulletin is not mentioned in other sources, and was the subject of an investigation by the Australian authorities as a foreign language publication. In addition to the surviving copies, the National Archives of Australia also held documents related to the investigation (NAA: A6122, 306).

The three colors are available in the Caritas Croata virtual collection in the Croatian Emigrant Press repository.

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Meeting at the Australian Embassy in Croatia

April 27, 2023

At the reception after the commemoration of ANZAC Day at the Australian Embassy in Zagreb, the new Australian ambassador, H. E. Mr Richard Rodgers was reported about the work on the Croatian emigrant press project.

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Books about Croats in Australia

April 2, 2023

In March 2023, a virtual collection Books about Croats in Australia was created in the Croatian Emigrant Press repository,  currently containing 9 books. A link to the collection was shared on Facebook pages associated with Croats in Australia and with idividuals, resulting in an increase in views and downloads. 

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Research in the Croatian Catholic Center in Wollongong

February 6, 2023

On January 27, 2023, research was conducted in the library of the Croatian Catholic Center in Wollongong, near Sydney. Based on the available material and in a conversation with the head of the center, Fr. Ivo Tadić, information was gathered about the publications that will be included in the bibliography. Digitization of one publication was also agreed upon.


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