During August and September 2023, three books were digitized in cooperation with the National and University Library in Zagreb. Two were unavailable in Croatian libraries, copies and consent for digitization were acquired in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Australia and the Croatian Catholic Center in Canberra (the book Sisters Adorers of the Blood of Christ: 50 years of life and ministry in Australia and the book 40th Anniversary of the Croatian Catholic Mission Canberra). Along with those two books, the bookmarks that are published as promotional material were digitized. The third book was almost unavailable in Croatian libraries, a copy and permission for digitization were acquired thanks to the cooperation with the Croatian Catholic Center in Wollongong and the Province of the Franciscans of the Glagolitic Third Order in Zagreb. The book is Moje životno vrludanje by Frano Stipan Šešelja.